Me at the Southern Foodways Symposium in Oxford, MS (photo by the GOAT himself,   John T. Edge  )

Fish Burger

Yeah I like to make sweatshirts with random food or other cultural phrases for friends and, honestly, anyone who asks nicely in DMs. Fish Burger is a nod to how immigrant-owned delis, bodegas and quick food spots the world over describe a fish sandwich - and every other cultural experience we have with words. IYKYK - and if you don’t, just ask!

 Me at the Southern Foodways Symposium in Oxford, MS (photo by the GOAT himself,   John T. Edge  )

Me at the Southern Foodways Symposium in Oxford, MS (photo by the GOAT himself, John T. Edge)

 Dr. Mandrill Taylor with a paraphrased quote from the Netflix show, Lupin (about how the elite see immigrants)

Dr. Mandrill Taylor with a paraphrased quote from the Netflix show, Lupin (about how the elite see immigrants)

 A piece I made for my friend Britta, who grew up in Alaska and always wondered what types of nachos other people made at home.

A piece I made for my friend Britta, who grew up in Alaska and always wondered what types of nachos other people made at home.

 An actual fish burger menu pic (from Lisbon, Portugal)

An actual fish burger menu pic (from Lisbon, Portugal)